Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday, October 24th

Ok, if you have been absent and are behind on your assignments, you will need to come in and work extra on those assignments.

We are now going to work on the EXTREME CHALLENGE project until it is finished.

You will recieve a grade based on your participation. Don't screw up your grade by not participating (which means you have to attend). This is a big project.

Project 1 - Creating the Extreme Challenge Logo

  • Illustrator Class - Tiff, Megan, James
  • Typography Class - Martin, Rusty, Rocky, Terri

Tiff and Martin are leaders of this project. They will need to make sure their is communication between the two classes AND that the project is completed. They will also be responsible for logging their work in the Word document mentioned below.

The files are located on the Student Drive in Holder Illustrator Class/Extreme Challenge/Logo

You also need to update the Word document that shows who worked on what... and what day. This and my observations is how you will receive your participation grade.

Project 2 - Save the Date Card

  • Typography Class- Martin, Rusty, Rocky, Terri

Martin is the leader of this project. (Same resposibilities as above)

The files are located on the Student Drive in Holder Illustrator Class/Extreme Challenge/Save the Date

You also need to update the Word document that shows who worked on what... and what day. This and my observations is how you will receive your participation grade.

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